Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Life Update (Roadtrip: Visual Key)

Luckily for Robin, Miles, David, and I disposable cameras still exist. None of us are the I take my camera everywhere type, so being able to buy disposable cameras was essential to us chronicling our adventure. I didn't know that Robin was going to be so on top of things in this regard, but I am very happy it turned out that way. The following is a brief trip through our road trip:

The gas station where Miles paid $40 for $20 in gas:

The alleged thieves:
Miles and Robin at the first night's party:

Fatso and Robin:

The morning after at Fatso's (really, check the size of those calzones):

Our trip to the mountains (David, Robin, me, Miles, and Matt):

Matt's birthday party:

The trip home:

If you want more pictures, you should friend Robin on facebook and check it out.

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