Saturday, January 5, 2008

Shelter From The Storm

The big west coast storm did a pretty good job messing things up around Santa Cruz county yesterday morning. The power was out in most of the town and roads were out everywhere. So, if you know where I live, it' not surprising that my house has been without power since 8 a.m. yesterday. Around 1 p.m. yesterday I realized it was going to be questionable whether or not I would be able to make it of the mountain for much longer, so I sought refuge in town. I went to Robin's house to grab a shower (they had watter but no power) then spent the rest of my day at the climbing gym (luckily the power was on in their part of town). Well, knowing I wasn't going home I decided to get good and drunk last night and rely on my friends for a place to stay (I was already stuck in town, i might as well get drunk was the logic I was using). Anyway, the power is still out at my place, and will be until tonight. I'm just thankful that robin has let me chill here at his house, even while he takes his girlfriend to the airport. Basically, I might be out of touch for a while.

Now for the real reason for this post. Drew, I've already read a book this year. That's right, Joaq 1, Drew 0 :). I know I'm going to loose this race so I have to gloat while I can.

EDIT: Still no power, staying at a hotel. Life is surreal.


Drew said...

In 2008 so far, I have read half of Liar's Poker (128/256 pages) and all of Bel Canto (313 pages). The former was quite interesting and the latter was simple brilliant.

Drew said...

I am back.

Jay Schulkin said...
just a little reminder of our earlier discussion of the Rockets; especially Mike James and Luis Scola.